Installation de certificats SSL sur Novell ConsoleOne


1) Save your SSL cert from the email from SSL247 and root certificate file for your cert type. Save the certificate in a notepad file your_domain_name.crt. Save your root as TrustedRoot.crt

2) Import the root into Internet Explorer
On a Windows Computer, double-click each certificate file and click the 'Install Certificate...' button to start the Certificate import wizard. The TrustedRoot.crt certificate must go into your Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.

3) Double-click the Primary SSL Certificate (your_domain_name.crt) for your domain. Go to the details tab, and click on Copy to File.



4) Choose "Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard - PKCS #7 Certificates (.P7B)" and check the "Include all certificates in the certification path if possible" box.


5) Give it a name, and Finish. This will create a single bundled certificate from the individual certificates.

6) Go to ConsoleOne, and then to the certificate that created the CSR.

7) In the Public Key Certificate Tab, choose Import; select "No Trusted Root Certificate available". Click next, and then Import the Server Certificate you created.

** Note **: You may receive a warning that says 'The subject name requested when the key pair was generated does not match the subject name in the certificate being stored...' -- If you receive this warning please hit the OK button to import the certificate anyway.

8) After you have validated the certificate, it is ready for use.

Note: If you click on the Validate button, you may receive a warning about reading the Certificate Revocation list. This is a problem with ConsoleOne's validator and this does not affect the installation of your certificate.

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